- IMHO: In My Humble Opinion "alias ini mah opini saya"
- OOT: Out of Topic "alias gak nyambung sama topik"
- OMG: Oh My God
- CMIIW: Correct Me If Iam Wrong
- ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- IMHO: In My Humble/Honest Opinion
- FYI: For Your Information
- BTW: By The Way
- GTG: Got to Go
- WB: Welcome Back
- LoL: Laughing Out Loud
- ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing (ketawa guling2 di lantai)
- ASL: Age, Sex, Location
- OIC: Oh I See
- BRB: Be Right Back
- FAQ: Frequent Ask Questions
- NP: Now Playing
- OOT: Out Of Topic
- HTH: Hope This Help
- OOP: Out Of Print
- Japri: Jalur Pribadi
- PM: Private messages
- Milis: Mailing List
- Re: Reply
- Fwd: Forward
- ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- 2: To
- b: Be
- AFAIK: As Far As I Know
- AKA: Also Known As
- ATM: At The Moment
- B4: Before
- CFV: Call For Votes
- FWIW: For What It's Worth
- FYA: For Your Amusement
- GA: Go Ahead
- HHOJ: Ha Ha Only Joking
- HHOK: Ha Ha Only Kidding
- HHOS: Ha Ha Only Serious
- IAE: In Any Event
- IDK: I Don't Know
- IMO: In My Opinion
- IMNSHO: In My Not So Humble Opinion
- IMNERHO: In My Not Even Remotely Humble Opinion
- IOW: In Other Words
- IRL: In Real Life
- IYKWIM: If You Know What I Mean
- JK: Just Kidding
- L8R: Later
- OTOH: On The Other Hand
- OTTH: On The Third Hand
- RFC: Request For Comment
- RFD: Request For Discussion
- RSN: Real Soon Now
- TIA: Thanks In Advance
- THX: Thanks
- WRT: With Regard / Respect To
- WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get
- YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary
- YMMVG: Your Mileage May Vary Greatly
- CMIIW: Correct Me If I'am Wrong
- FYEO : For Your Eyes Only
- GPP : Gak PaPa..
- GPL: Gak Pake Lama
- GRP: Good Reputation Point
- BRP: Bad Reputation Point
- BTT: Back to topic
- Momod/Mod: Moderator
- Admin/Mimin: Administrator
- CCPB: Cara Curang Program Bajakan
- TS: Thread Started
- ASAIC: As Soon As I Can
- BBL: Be Back Later
- BRB: Be Right Back
- AFK: Away From Keyboard
- DOUTH: DO you THink?
- F2F: Face To Face
- SPS: Speed Posting Society
- SWT: SWeaT
- GG: Good Game
- B: Back
- Push: Menyerang
- GL: Good Luck
- HF: Have Fun
- CUPU: CUlun PUnya
- TQ: Thank You
- IMBA: IMBAlance
- CR8: Create
- IC: i see
Command User:
Command: whois, whereis, where.
/whois <player> - looks up some basic information on a user, including their account number and their current location
Command: msg, whisper, m, w.
/msg, /whisper, /m, /w <player> <message> - sends a private message to a user online regardless of the channel they are in
Command: ignore, squelch.
/ignore, /squelch <player> - ignores any future messages from that user effectively muting that user to you
Command: unignore, unsquelch.
/unignore /unsquelch <player> - unignores a user so u can listen to him again
Command: away
/away [<message>] - displays a message that you are away from your keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you
Command: dnd
/dnd [<message>] - prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen
Command: who
/who <channel> - displays a list of all users in the given channel
Command: stats astat
/stats /astat [<player>] [<gametag>] - displays a player's game record
Command: status users
/status, /users - displays the number of users currently on this server
Command: time
/time - displays the current server time
Command: me
/me <message> - displays emotion text, as in 'tN is rolling on the floor laughing'
Command: kick
/kick <player> - kicks a user out of the channel, you have to be least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command
Command: whoami
/whoami - looks up some basic information on yourself, including your account number and your current location
Command: uptime
/uptime - show the amount of time the server has been running
Command: lusers
/lusers - shows list of banned players in this channel
Command: channels, chs.
/channels /chs [all] - displays current channel list
Command: finger
/finger [<player>] - displays information about player
Command: admins
/admins - shows all currently logged in administrators
Command: reply, r.
/reply /r <message> - reply to the last person that whispered to you
Command: copyright warranty license
/copyright /warranty /license - shows the legal information for bnetd
Command: news
/news - show some system-specific news
Command: logout, quit, exit.
/logout /quit /exit - closes your connection to the server
Command: watch
/watch <player> - sends notification when a player logs out or joins a game
Command: unwatch
/unwatch <player> - stops sending notification about a player
Command: gameinfo
/gameinfo [<gamename>] - prints information about a game
Command: ladderinfo
/ladderinfo <rank> [<gameid>] - display ladder info for given rank
Command: timer
/timer [<duration>] [<message>] - send notification after a period of time
Command: chpass
/chpass [<password>] - change a player's password
Command: quota
/quota - displays the channel quota
Command: friends, f.
/friends add <username> - add user to your friends list
/friends del <username> - remove user from your friends list
/friends promote <username> - promote user in your friends list
/friends demote <username> - demote user in your friends list
/friends list - list all users in your friends list
/friends msg <msgtext> - whispers to all your online friends
Command: mail
/mail <command> [<options>] - mail management commands
/mail send <receiver> <message>
/mail read [<index>]
/mail delete {all|<index>}
Command: help
/help - display your command
Command: motd
/motd - display the motd
Command: tos
/tos - shows terms of service once more
Command: clan
/clan public (alias: pub)
Opens the clan channel up to the public so that anyone may enter
/clan private (alias: priv)
Closes the clan channel such that only members of the clan may enter
/clan motd <message>
Update the clan message of the day to message
Command: ping, p, latency.
/ping, /p, /latency - returns your latency to the server
Command Robot:
Command User NusaReborn...
Untuk Melihat IP Anda, Ketik /w NUSA !Host
Untuk Melihat List CRew, Ketik /w NUSA !CRew
Untuk Melihat Admin Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-aDm
Untuk Melihat SV Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-Sv
Untuk Melihat OP Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-Op
Untuk Melihat VOP Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-VOp
Untuk Melihat Aturan Hukuman, ketik /w NUSA !Rules
Untuk Melihat Status ID, ketik /w NUSA !Status [Username]
Short Cut Commands:
: Cuts the selected text
: Copies the selected text
: Pastes the selected text
: Select all text
: Pastes the name you have selected
: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications
: Sends a private message to the selected user.
Aliases for this command: /w /msg /m /whisper
: Allows users to respond to private messages. This will type "/w person'sname " allowing you to quickly respond without typing their name.
Command: whois, whereis, where.
/whois <player> - looks up some basic information on a user, including their account number and their current location
Command: msg, whisper, m, w.
/msg, /whisper, /m, /w <player> <message> - sends a private message to a user online regardless of the channel they are in
Command: ignore, squelch.
/ignore, /squelch <player> - ignores any future messages from that user effectively muting that user to you
Command: unignore, unsquelch.
/unignore /unsquelch <player> - unignores a user so u can listen to him again
Command: away
/away [<message>] - displays a message that you are away from your keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you
Command: dnd
/dnd [<message>] - prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen
Command: who
/who <channel> - displays a list of all users in the given channel
Command: stats astat
/stats /astat [<player>] [<gametag>] - displays a player's game record
Command: status users
/status, /users - displays the number of users currently on this server
Command: time
/time - displays the current server time
Command: me
/me <message> - displays emotion text, as in 'tN is rolling on the floor laughing'
Command: kick
/kick <player> - kicks a user out of the channel, you have to be least a Channel Operator or tempOP to use this command
Command: whoami
/whoami - looks up some basic information on yourself, including your account number and your current location
Command: uptime
/uptime - show the amount of time the server has been running
Command: lusers
/lusers - shows list of banned players in this channel
Command: channels, chs.
/channels /chs [all] - displays current channel list
Command: finger
/finger [<player>] - displays information about player
Command: admins
/admins - shows all currently logged in administrators
Command: reply, r.
/reply /r <message> - reply to the last person that whispered to you
Command: copyright warranty license
/copyright /warranty /license - shows the legal information for bnetd
Command: news
/news - show some system-specific news
Command: logout, quit, exit.
/logout /quit /exit - closes your connection to the server
Command: watch
/watch <player> - sends notification when a player logs out or joins a game
Command: unwatch
/unwatch <player> - stops sending notification about a player
Command: gameinfo
/gameinfo [<gamename>] - prints information about a game
Command: ladderinfo
/ladderinfo <rank> [<gameid>] - display ladder info for given rank
Command: timer
/timer [<duration>] [<message>] - send notification after a period of time
Command: chpass
/chpass [<password>] - change a player's password
Command: quota
/quota - displays the channel quota
Command: friends, f.
/friends add <username> - add user to your friends list
/friends del <username> - remove user from your friends list
/friends promote <username> - promote user in your friends list
/friends demote <username> - demote user in your friends list
/friends list - list all users in your friends list
/friends msg <msgtext> - whispers to all your online friends
Command: mail
/mail <command> [<options>] - mail management commands
/mail send <receiver> <message>
/mail read [<index>]
/mail delete {all|<index>}
Command: help
/help - display your command
Command: motd
/motd - display the motd
Command: tos
/tos - shows terms of service once more
Command: clan
/clan public (alias: pub)
Opens the clan channel up to the public so that anyone may enter
/clan private (alias: priv)
Closes the clan channel such that only members of the clan may enter
/clan motd <message>
Update the clan message of the day to message
Command: ping, p, latency.
/ping, /p, /latency - returns your latency to the server
Command Robot:
Command User NusaReborn...
Untuk Melihat IP Anda, Ketik /w NUSA !Host
Untuk Melihat List CRew, Ketik /w NUSA !CRew
Untuk Melihat Admin Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-aDm
Untuk Melihat SV Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-Sv
Untuk Melihat OP Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-Op
Untuk Melihat VOP Online, Ketik /w NUSA !Online-VOp
Untuk Melihat Aturan Hukuman, ketik /w NUSA !Rules
Untuk Melihat Status ID, ketik /w NUSA !Status [Username]
Short Cut Commands:
: Cuts the selected text
: Copies the selected text
: Pastes the selected text
: Select all text
: Pastes the name you have selected
: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications
: Sends a private message to the selected user.
Aliases for this command: /w /msg /m /whisper
: Allows users to respond to private messages. This will type "/w person'sname " allowing you to quickly respond without typing their name.
For DOTA LOvers...^.^,
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